Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Silicon Alley's take on the Google acquisition of Jaiku...

For those of you still hating on Twitter (ACOM) and thinking that the mini-blogging "Status" space hasn't gone mainstream, please read this article at Silicon Alley:


Here are the four main points, without the commentary from the article:
1) "Status" space has now gone mainstream.
2) Twitter is still by far the dominant brand.
3) Twitter's value just soared. (dollar value)
4) Twitter's competition just increased exponentially, so the company had better skedaddle.

So, hopefully if Google gets moving with Jaiku, we should see more integration with external sites in both Jaiku and Twitter, and maybe even Pownce (which the article also mentions and I still have invites to). Also note the great use of the word skedaddle...

I feel even more vindicated about using Twitter....haters....