Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Villagers are moving to wordpress...
The Villagers are moving to a self-hosted Wordpress blog.

If you subscribe to our RSS Feed, you may need to change our address in your feed reader. Our feed should be:

We've always had this feed, but it wasn't well advertised on our Blogger based blog.

We are also changing to a Disqus based comment system.

Our new comment/thread feeds (this will be on the new site as well):

So, our blog may be down for a few hours as everything migrates to our new host.

All the old content will be on the new site, but if you want to look at the old format and remember our roots, our Blogger site should remain unchanged at:

If you've just stumbled across this site via Blogger, our blog is located at:

Feel free to let us know what you think of the new site (when it goes live) in the comments...