Monday, January 28, 2008

Using a Slingbox Pro to save money on cable...

Slingbox Pro
There are plenty of ways to watch TV online, either through internet sites or downloadable players. Zach highlighted Miro a few months ago. Notable downloadable players:

Here are some links to sites that you can directly watch TV through your browser:
13 places to watch TV online for free
13 more links
Since it is a bit newer than the links above, has content from a couple of the major networks (ABC and FOX, I think) and is worth checking out.

All that being said, what are the major problems? Most of the above fall into one or more of the following:
  • Lack of mainstream content
  • Lack of high definition
  • Lack of bandwidth
  • Unplanned outages
I propose a solution to the above problems which will also enable you to save money on cable/satellite. This solution will only work for you if:
  • You are willing to sacrifice real HD television for fake HD streaming online
  • You are looking for sports that are out of your current market in the comfort of your home and don't want to pay for a special package
  • You are a nerd
Go buy a SlingBox Pro with the HD Connect (optional). Install said products at your parents house (children of divorced parents are at an advantage here). Tell them they aren't allowed to use it.

Then, buy a video card with a HD output (HDMI would be key) for the nicest computer you own and hook it up to your HDTV. (Optional - Build a media center PC or buy a Mac Mini)
Don't have an HDTV? Stop reading now and just give up.

A few things that may pose problems:
  • Your parents don't have cable/satellite or HD cable/satellite
  • Your parents have a slow internet connection
  • Your parents are unwilling to let you do this
  • Your parents already have a slingbox (doubtful)
  • You are a technological idiot
It doesn't have to be your parents. My parents happen to live in the sports market I am interested in (Chicago).

The ideal internet connection for this set up (on both ends) would be FIOS or AT&T UVerse or at least a connection with 2 Mbps upload.

My parents have poopy DSL with only a 384 kbps upload connection. So, this may be a struggle, but I still intend to do it.

One last note...yes, this does cost money upfront ($300 approx). Unlike those nifty lifehacker posts, this one requires some coin. But, dropping your cable/satellite subscription will make up for it in the long run.
Also, your internet bill may go up if you don't have cable (bundled services discount). Unless you switch to a non-cable company for internet, you can't avoid this.

But, taking all that into consideration, you are using the existing cable and internet setup at your parents/relatives/friends place that wouldn't normally own a slingbox. I see this as a great solution without using an (illegal) Azureus and RSS feed setup.