So, there is a kid named Kerlon who plays for a soccer team in Brazil who has patented what is called the seal dribble. Needless to say, he tried it at the end of a match recently. His team was winning....there were only a few minutes remaining....and he was playing against his intercity rivals.
The uproar that has ensued is sweeping through soccer-crazed Brazil. You can read about it here if you like. Or, if you can't read Portuguese, you can go here.
My take:
1. Showing up professional athletes that would like nothing more than to break your shins is not a good idea.
2. Point number one is even more pertinent when you are about 5'7 and weigh about 130 pounds.
3. The seal dribble is possibly a career ending move every time it is completed. It will always end with the same thing, Kerlon screaming on the ground and someone getting a yellow card (at least) You can't really say that about any other play this side of the chop block unless you're Zach, and you think the Broncos linemen just happen to often fall down at the knees of opposing defensive linemen.
4. I really wish there would have been a microphone there to record what the defenders were screaming at him
5. I hate his team. The intercity rival, Clube Atletico Mineiro is the best team in the world.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Cruziero ta foda!
Posted by electronic vagrant at 7:43 PM
Clube Atletico Mineiro,
seal dribble,
Cruziero ta foda!
electronic vagrant
Brazil|Clube Atletico Mineiro|Kerlon|seal dribble|soccer|
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