Monday, March 17, 2008

Cornhole: Not Just an Anus....

The Great CornholioHave you ever heard of a game called Cornhole?

Today, when I remarked I was unfamiliar with the game, an intern looked at me like I was an idiot. That was my low moment for the day.

Then, it was explained to me that Cornhole is a game played in bars and during tailgates with two boards and bean bags. The previous link is to the "#1 Supplier of Cornhole Bags and Boards"...that just sounds funny.

I was also told it was a somewhat local/regional game mostly played in the Cincinnati and surrounding regions of Ohio and Kentucky. (This is where I have been working for the last several months.)

Apparently, people bring their own "cornhole bags" to bars to use during the game. One of my coworkers has a Bengals bag. Another has an the Ohio State bag.
I wonder if I would get roughed up if I walked into a Cincinnati bar with a Chicago Bears cornhole bag.

So, as the saying goes, you learn something new ever day.

And here I thought cornhole just referred to a person's anus...