Friday, November 16, 2007

Flying Spaghetti Monster

A couple years ago I'd heard about the Flying Spaghetti Monster when the debate was raging in Kansas about evolution vs. intelligent design but I had no idea that it was still going.

This whole thing started back in the day when a physics student from Oregon sent a letter to the Kansas School Board demanding equal time to advocate his view that the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM, had created the universe. I won't go into the whole timeline, go to Wikipedia if you want to read the details. Anyway, the idea that followers of FSM, called Pastafarians, dress like pirates really pumps me up. Perusing my best online friend I also found out that there is an international "talk like a pirate day," and it is pretty much FSM's Christmas. Also the fact that you can argue that dressing like a pirate is an expression of religious freedom is a very liberating idea.

If you already have your own religion or you're not won over by FSM or their pious pillaging pirates, then you should check out similar fake religions including:
Frisbeetarianism (Which obviously sucks)
Sentient Puddle
Scientology (Tom Cruise will now haunt me for years)
and my second favorite, Invisible Pink Unicorn

Disclaimer: Please don't flood me with hate mail or try to proseletyze, I only find this funny. I'm not really trying to convert you.